Beauty & Style

Darker shades chip quickest (and 5 other things you didn’t know about nail polish)

Thought you knew everything about nail polish? As it turns out, there’s more to your favourite shades than meets the eye.

1. The darker the polish, the faster it chips – Because they are a darker colour, dark polishes have higher pigmentation. Higher pigmentation increases the rate at which your polish chips.

2. You can do more than just paint your nails – Polish can be used for more than decorative fingertips. Coat costume jewellery that would otherwise be prone to rusting in clear polish to prevent oxidization. Use a small dab on a run in your stockings where it will dry and stop the run from traveling any further.

3. Your colour choice is significant – According to studies, your choice in colour is most likely related to a personal experience involving said hue. We are emotionally linked to colours, so that bright fuchsia you just spontaneously chose might not be a random choice at all, but a subconscious memory or association.

4. You’re storing your polish wrong –If you’re storing your polish anywhere but the fridge, you’re doing it a disservice. The low temperatures of your fridge actually help to prolong the shelf life of your favourite shades.

5. You need to take a break –If you paint and repaint your tips for weeks on end, you could be causing damage to your nails. Keep your nails free of polish for a few days every three weeks for optimum nail health.

6. You can be allergic – Most nail polishes contain formaldehyde, an irritant which some people are allergic to. Luckily, many brands have branched out into allergy-friendly formulations.

beauty, Fun facts, Beauty & Style, Nail polish