Georgia Dixon
Beauty & Style

10 favourite looks from Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren had her star-studded eyes on the stage from her early years. The beauty pageant runner-up got her big break when a judge encouraged her to enrol in acting lessons. She began her career on the silver screen in 1950, at just 15-years of age.

The world watched the brunette beauty grow up as she appeared in The Pride and the PassionHouseboat, and It Started in Naples.

In 1999, Loren was acknowledged as one of the top 25 female American Screen Legends in the American Film Institute's survey.

Here, we take a look at the face that launched a movie-star, from her younger years to more recent days.

What’s your favourite movie with Sophia Loren? Let us know in the comments below.

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beauty, fashion, style, birthday, Sophia Loren