Alex O'Brien
Beauty & Style

4 natural ways to banish facial hair

When it comes to hair, it seems that us ladies want it all long and luscious on top with minimal hair everywhere else.

Unwanted facial hair can be a result of hormones (especially as estrogen levels change around the menopause) as well as genetics, medications and other medical issues such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

The good news is there are plenty of ways to deal with the issue using natural products that you probably already have in the house.

1. Honey and sugar wax

All you need is sugar, water and honey for this homemade wax.

How to:

  1. In a small saucepan on a medium heat, place two teaspoons of brown or white sugar, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of water.
  2. Stir for around 30 seconds until it starts to bubble and go darker. Set aside to cool.
  3. When cool enough to touch, use a plastic spoon to apply it to the hair on the face.
  4. Put a strip of cloth over the wax and use your finger to smooth it out in the direction of the hair growth.
  5. Rip off the strip in the opposite direction of hair growth.

2. Chickpea flour face mask

Available from health food stores and some supermarkets, chickpea flour (also known as gram flour or besan) is a great way to remove unwanted fine hair.

How to:

  1. In a small bowl, bring together 2 tablespoons chickpea flour, 1 tablespoon of cream, 1 ½ teaspoons of milk, and ¾ teaspoons of ground turmeric.
  2. Mix well and use your fingers to apply the face pack. Leave on for 20 minutes until dry, then scrub off with a damp face washer.
  3. Repeat three to four times per week for up to a month to see results.

3. Spearmint tea

Often unwanted hair is due to an excessive production of androgen in the body. Spearmint tea is a popular method for regulating the hormones and is regularly used in Turkey.

How to:

  1. Boil and pour water for a cup of tea.
  2. Add a teaspoon of dried spearmint or 5 leaves of fresh spearmint leaves.
  3. Allow to steep for 10 minutes before drinking.
  4. Repeat twice a day

4. Lemon juice and honey face scrub

The stickiness of this scrub will help you to remove fine facial hair. Lemon juice cleanses the skin while also lightening the hair, while the honey helps to soften the hair, making it easier to remove.

How to:

  1. In a small bowl, combine 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 4 tablespoons of honey.
  2. Use the fingers to apply to your face and allow to dry for 20 minutes.
  3. Use a warm face washer to scrub the mixture off the face.
  4. Repeat twice a week for up to 3 months. 

Have you used any natural methods for removing facial hair? We would love to hear your tips in the comments.

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beauty, hair, body, hormones, facial hair