Beauty & Style

New Emma wiggle costume sparks fury over controversy

A new Wiggle dress-costume has left fans confused and parents outraged after it was revealed the new costume that was meant for “everyone” did not include tutus for boys.

After posting a photo to Instagram, the kids entertainment group announced they had finally adhered to countless requests asking for an Emma Wiggle costume with pants.

"We listened! We have had so many requests for an Emma Wiggle costume with pants!" the post read.

"Everyone can dress up just like Emma! Bowtiful!"

embed instagram post 

However, the new costume left parents wondering why there is no tutu for boys.

"It's separating the genders and caving to social gender norms instead of letting kids dress up as who they want to, without worrying about it not being socially acceptable," another person commented.

"Would have been nice to show boys in skirts too ... What's the problem with boys with a skirt?" said another confused fan.

"Boys can wear dresses too!!" one woman went on to argue.

"Clothes have no gender!!"

Others disagreed however and said they did not see any issue.

"The first one with black normal pants with yellow stripes is like Greg's outfit in 2012," one man pointed out, referring founding yellow Wiggle member.

Some parents suggested simply buying the girl's costume and giving it to their boys if they wanted a skirt. 

"Let's remember at the end of the day, it is us as parents and adults who buy the costumes," one woman said.

"This marketing is really only showing us the options. We can provide whatever type of options and combinations for both boys and girls of the Emma costumes to our kids."

The costumes are available at Big W, Costume Box and Costume Super Centre Australia.

The Wiggles, Emma Wiggle, Beauty & style, Lifestyle, tutu