Michelle Reed
Beauty & Style

Online store uses natural models-body hair, birthmarks and all

Online fashion retailer ‘& Other Stories’, has released a gorgeous lingerie campaign featuring "real" women, taking a refreshing step away from industry standards.

Titled "For Women, By Women", H&M's sister brand showcases its lacy bras and undies on a diverse set of women with tattoos, scars, birthmarks, beauty spots and body hair. 

And don't they look gorgeous. Lingerie has long been about feeling sexy in your skin – and these women epitomise that, appearing comfortable, confident and natural, lounging languidly as they would on any given Sunday.

The un-retouched images, shot by Stockholm-based photographer Hedvig Jenning, feature three women – none of whom are professional models. Helin Honung is a blogger and yoga enthusiast, Kelsey Lu McJunkins is a cellist and Ida Jagerfelt is a copywriter.

Of course, the campaign isn't perfect. All the women are – rather predictably – relatively young and skinny, but it's certainly a step in the right direction, especially when it comes to embracing "unconventional" notions of beauty.

We're accustomed to seeing models in lingerie ads airbrushed to unattainable perfection, but retailers are slowly realising that if they want to connect with consumers, they need to get real.

Now all they need is an over sixties model!

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beauty, fashion, body, Self esteem, models