Melody Teh
Beauty & Style

Revive tired eyes

The eyes are the first part of the face to show signs of fatigue. It’s little wonder… the skin in this area is so delicate and it’s constantly exposed to movement, from squinting, laughing, crying and smiling. Whether it’s simply a little dry, crepey skin that’s getting you down, or annoying bags, there are ways to restore and revive tired eyes.

1. Banish Crepey skin

Lack of sleep and dehydration are the culprits here. For a fast, at-home solution, pick up aquality eye cream, like Ella Bache Spirulines Green-Lift Eyes, $79. Apply it twice daily, using the pads of your ringer to gently tap it into the skin. 

Drink plenty of filtered water, cut back on alcohol, caffeinated and sugary drinks, ditch cigarettes altogether and regulate sleep patterns by going to bed well before 11pm every night. If sleeplessness is an ongoing problem, investigate relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga.

Salon treatments like Ella Bache Spirulines Rapid Results Eye Lift treatment, 30Minutes, $55,, will help to restore moisture to the parched skin, while at the same time flush away toxins and excess fluid that cause under eye shadows and puffiness.  

2. Nix Crow’s Feet

Crow’s Feet, AKA laughter lines, are the lines that appear around our eyes with movement – when welaugh, squint, cry, and so on.

While an eye cream will help to temporarily soften their appearance (by plumping them full of moisture) these lines don’t respond as readily to topical creams, due to their dynamic nature (i.e. they only appear with expression).

However, you can use a cream that simulates the effects of wrinkle-relaxing injections, such as Skin Doctors Instant Eyelift $39.95, It contains a protein that temporarily smooths and tightens the skin to banish the appearance of crow’s feet and expression lines (for up to eight hours). It also works long term to reduce crepiness.

If you want to get rid of Crow’s Feet long-term, muscle-relaxing injections are your only answer. In as little as half an hour, you can wipe out Crow’s Feet for up to four months. The only downside is that you need to top up your injections as the product wears off and at upwards of $380 a pop, it can become pricey. For more information, visit:

3. Shed light on dark circles

The skin under the eyes is fragile, thin and transparent.This means that veins can easily show through, especially when you’re tired. Also, if fluid and toxins are allowed to build within the body, they often appear in this area as dark circles.

Increasing your intake of water and watching your diet (avoid stodgy foods) is the first step in brightening up the area. Team that with regular exercise and plenty of sleep, and you’ll notice the area lightening up considerably within a few short weeks.

If the dark circles just wont’ budge, a quick in-clinic procedure known as Tear Troughing can help. It involves injecting temporary fillers into the hollow under the eye. This pushes the skin away from the veins and rejuvenates the under orbital area. It typically costs between $400 and $700, with results lasting around 18 months. Visit: for more information

4. Drain the Puffiness

Lack of sleep, poor diet, over-imbibing and sluggish circulation all come into play here. Also, with age, fatty deposits can collect under the eye area, causing quite pronounced “bags”.

Your first port of call is to improve your circulation, which will help flush away the fluid that is causing the puffiness. Daily dry body brushing, warm to cold showers, any form of jumping exercise and drinking warm water with lemon, will all help to boost circulation.

Following this, an eye gel will help. Garnier Miracle Skin Perfector BB Eye Roll-On, $13.95, 1300 659 259, has a cooling roller ball head that massages away puffiness. It contains an active ingredient called Haloxyl, which to help drain excess fluid.

5. Lift Heavy lids

With age and/or sun damage, the skin on the upper eyelids can droop, with skin gathering in the fold of the eye. Aside from making the face appear tired, it can actually hinder vision in very advanced cases.

If the problem is in its early stages, a simple in-clinic, non-surgical procedure can correct it.  
Firstly, a Chemical Brow Lift uses strategically administered muscle-relaxing injections to elevate the brow line. The product disables the muscle responsible for pulling the brows down, which allows the muscle that raises the brows to be lift up without resistance. This causes the eyes to open up, preventing the fold in the lid. The entire eye area is refreshed. Expect to pay around $350, depending on your practitioner and the amount of product used.

Another option is a Mechanical Brow Lift, where Hyaluronic Acid fillers are injected into the brow area. This creates a physical lift of the area, which helps to alleviate the fold in the eyelid and create a refreshed and lifted effect. Again, expect to pay upwards of $350.

Top tips for eyes:

beauty, Beauty & Style, Eye creams, Tired eyes