Alex O'Brien
Beauty & Style

The difference between dry and dehydrated skin

With an extensive background in pharmacology and a thorough understanding of NIVEA core ingredients, NIVEA Skincare Expert, Robyn Hutch, has a passion for the intrinsic composition of the skin, and solving common skincare problems. 

It’s time to set the record straight to ensure you’re giving your skin the care it needs this winter.

It’s the same story year in, year out – with winter well on its way, we all look to start planning ahead to care for our skin from top-to-toe in the cooler seasons.

However, before you select your winter skincare arsenal, let’s take a closer look at our skin to determine whether it is dry or dehydrated. Most people believe these are the same skin conditions, as both tend to look the same, however this is certainly not the case!

Not only is there a difference between dry and dehydrated skin, but also the characteristics of the two very different issues which each require a specific skincare regime.

Dry Skin

What is it?

Dry skin is actually a skin type, rather than condition, which can be attributed to a lack of oil in the skin. Oils are produced naturally within the skin, which act as a barrier to help retain moisture. If the amount of oil within our skin is impaired, the skin struggles to retain this moisture which can in turn also affect the absorption of specific products.

How can it be identified?

Dry skin typically looks quite dull and flaky and can feel very tight. You might also notice that your skin is easily irritated, with the issue becoming more prevalent as you age due to a decrease in sebum production.

What’s the solution?

Dry skin needs a nourishing product to help replenish the lipids in the epidermis. This includes ensuring your skin receives daily care to help rejuvenate and maintain these essential lipids. Products that contain almond oil are particularly effective, as this popular skincare ingredient contains essential nutrients which support the barrier function of the skin.  There are also a range of other skincare ingredients which can help combat dry skin, including: provitamin B5, aloe vera and argan oil.

Dehydrated skin

What is it?

A problem that can come about any time of the year, dehydrated skin is a condition caused by a lack of water, or moisture in the skin. The condition can often result in oily skin or breakouts, and can be exacerbated by a range of factors including exposure to environmental elements – especially with the use of heaters and the cold winter weather. In extreme cases, dehydrated skin can lead to dry skin.

How can it be identified?

Dehydrated skin can feel both dry and oily at the same time, so it can often lead to confusion when looking for the most appropriate treatments. Dehydrated skin can also feel flaky and as a result, can often feel itchy.

What’s the solution?

Dehydrated skin requires water rich products in order to replenish the lack of moisture within the skin. A change in diet, environment and care regime can help also help address dehydrated skin, limiting the excessive use of heaters and extremely hot showers where possible.

Do you suffer from dry skin? If so, what do you do to tackle it? Let us know in the comments below.

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skin, skincare, dehydrated, nivea, dry