Alex O'Brien
Beauty & Style

Tips for organising your wardrobe with closet designer to the stars, Lisa Adams

The cooler weather is setting in and this means one thing, it’s time to get out the winter socks, cosy jumpers and scarves. But before you get out the boxes and unpack, there’s something you need to take care of first – it’s wardrobe organising time!

You’re not alone if getting dressed has become a cross between an episode of Enough Already! or a deep sea diving expedition. When we move from one season to another, it’s quite common that in the months that have passed your wardrobe will have become quite unorganised. You’ve probably got a selection of unmatched socks, a pile of clothing that need repairs and a number of things out of place or that just don’t fit in your bulging closet. We called on celebrity closet designer, Lisa Adams, CEO and designer of LA Closet Design for some simple and effective tips for getting your wardrobe ready for a new season.

Lisa is the go-to closet designer for the stars. She’s worked with the likes of Billy Crystal, Simon Cowell, Jaime King and Kris Jenner (to name a few). The heart and high-heeled sole of her daily to-do list consists of playing with the contents of celebrity wardrobes. Now don’t go thinking of Adams as just another interior designer whose skills extend to closets. She is to wardrobes what Michelangelo was to the roof of the Sistine Chapel. This is a fine art. One of her more extravagant projects includes a three-story closet that requires a retina scan to enter. So pour yourself a glass of vino and get some garbage bags and storage boxes at the ready, these simple closet commandments will ensure you have plenty of space to usher in the new season and make your closet as organised as possible!

1. Play that funky music
Part of organising your closet involves detoxing (throwing out) some items you no longer need. So, pop on your favourite CD, chill your favourite wine and call your friends or family over. Parting ways with some of your beloved clothes that have seen you through the years can be a somewhat sombre affair. With the help of your favourite songs, good company and glass of your favourite drop, you'll be in just the right mood for a successful wardrobe cleanse.

2. Weekly vs. seasonal cleanse
“Personally, I prefer the weekly (or even daily) cleanse versus a seasonal cleanse. It's so much less intense and overwhelming. If I pull something out of my closet that either a: doesn't fit, b: needs to be altered, c: is damaged/stained, then my rule of thumb is to take action on the spot.

Edit your closet every day to minimise closet clutter and clothes getting jam packed together and thus wrinkled. Add a liner in your hamper for items that need to be donated, altered, thrown out. When you pull something out of your closet that meets these criteria, then take action - DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY PUT THE ITEM BACK INTO YOUR CLOSET! It's okay to have a few pieces for sentimental purposes or when you hit your goal weight, but trust me, when you hit your goal weight, you'll want to celebrate by buying new pieces (or quite possibly a new wardrobe!). It’s time to let go of things and wear everything that you have – don't get in the habit of saving things to wear for that special occasion!”

3. Hung up on you
“You've heard it once, you've heard it twice: get rid of all of your wire hangers and replace them with wood or flocked hangers. Lavender, cedar and eucalyptus are great for the closet - to protect against bugs and also great smelling. I am a fan of sweater bags, hanger sachets and hanger covers!”

4. Invest in storage solutions
“Invest in storage boxes to house seasonal items, including boots. I designed leather boxes for this very purpose! ( Other options to consider are: Recessed, pop-up island safes, triple hanging using a variety of hanging rods, pull-out step stools, three-way mirrors or vanity mirrors with various mood settings, refrigerator drawers for storing your cosmetics (and bottled water)!, coffee makers, sunglass displays, recessed hooks for hanging tote bags. As you can see, the sky's the limit when creating your dressing room haven!”

6. Space invader
“If there is seemingly no more space in your closet, make sure you've considered all of your vertical space and depth. Have you gone to the ceiling with your cabinetry? Can you replace shelves with deeper pull-out shelves? Here's an out-of-the-box idea: Can you add a moving cabinet or tall peninsula to use more of the square footage in your closet? Consider a pull-down rod to take hanging higher up to the ceiling where you wouldn’t be able to normally reach.”

7. Shoe safety
“I like to see all of my shoes at first glance! So, if I am storing them double deep, then I will organise/style them so that one shoe of the pair is in front and one in back; that way, there is no shoe in the back row that you don't see. To maximise shoe space, I arrange my shoes together by height so all of my flats sit in a 4" shelf.  Since shoe space is valuable real estate in most closets, you wouldn’t want to waste flats going in an 8" space for heels, etc. When off season, store tall boots in leather boxes up higher in your closet.”


lisa adams, wardrobe, organising, storage