Michelle Reed
Beauty & Style

8 clever “other” uses for shampoo

The uses for shampoo aren’t limited to washing your hair. Try any of these clever ideas to use up your old shampoos.

  1. Clean make-up brushes – Use your shampoo and water to get make-up residue off of your beauty brushes.
  2. Use as dish soap – If you’ve run out of dish soap, shampoo is your second best bet and it’s gentle on fine pieces.
  3. Soften and cleanse cuticles – Fill a tub with warm water and shampoo and soak your hands in it for 10 to 15 minutes for softened cuticles.
  4. Remove bandaids – If the worst part of an injury, for you, is the bandaid removal, loosen it up with some shampoo and water first.
  5. Clean delicate clothes – Use shampoo and water to hand wash delicate clothing.
  6. Clean paintbrushes – Like your make-up brushes, shampoo also helps remove stubborn paint from your paintbrushes.
  7. Clean carpet spills – If you’ve spilled wine on your carpet, try using shampoo to remove the stain.
  8. Unstick zippers – Apply a dab of shampoo to a stuck zipper to help it glide more easily.

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beauty and style, beauty, shampoo, home