Melody Teh
Beauty & Style

What sort of hairstyle should an ageing gentleman wear?

Over60 community member and regular grandscaping columnist, Stephen Matthews, takes a look at hair options for men over 60.

Ah, this is an easy one to answer, whatever hairstyle George Clooney is wearing.

Let’s face it we’re not going to go out of our way to read style magazines or cruise lifestyle sites (except for this one, of course) in order to model our life.

In the same way that Sean Connery is my eyebrow icon, George Clooney is the haircut guy. Their images appear often enough in mainstream press that you don’t have to go looking for them.

He has the salt and pepper look that I also have. For a while in the 90s he had that distinctive brushed forward look, remember that one? Before you ask… yes I copied it at the time.

This goes for side burns as well. At the moment George’s are short but down to the middle of his ears. What I like is that his hair is always neat and trim.

On a recent trip to my son’s hipster barber (they also give a discount to seniors) the barber suggested I cut the sides short, up to the part line.

I weighed it up in my head, looking like a wannabe versus a simple neat short cut.

The wannabe won. I loved the way he fussed and used various implements, combs of all sizes and not one – but three different electric razors.

He spent a shamefully long time on the ear region. Mental note – trim those ears.

I was soaking it up and comparing it to my usual $10 cut in The Valley. You know the one, where they sling an electric razor upside your head for a minute or so whilst conversing with their co-workers?

One unexpected outcome of the Wannabe cut is that my sides are taking a lot longer to grow out, which is great because of this simple fact:

The older you get, the more your hair makes you look like a Koala.

This is where the Grandscaping Kit comes in handy. In my last post you’ll notice a pair of clippers in the photo. With the number two thingy on I can keep the sides neat without going to the barber. And the hair on top…  just isn’t growing at all. What a bargain.

Immediately after my hipster cut I brushed the silver hairs off my black T-shirt, put on my Ray-Bans and sat in a café in New Farm sipping a latte.

Isn’t that what George would do?

Note: Thanks for the great feedback on my last article. And just to clarify – NO I do not shave off my eyebrows and draw them on. I simply meant for you to trim the little bastards them and run a 5B pencil over to give a bit of tone and hide a few greys, err… silvers. Apologies to those who got it wrong.

Beauty and Style, Grandscaping