Danielle McCarthy
Beauty & Style

5 common reasons why your feet are peeling

Don’t be concerned if your feet are peeling, there could actually be a medical reason for it (that can be treated!).

1. Dehydration

Who knew that not drinking enough water could cause your skin to peel on your feet? Dehydration causes the skin to try out and this can quickly mean peeling, sore, itchy feet.

Treatment and prevention: Be sure to drink water throughout the day, and keep an eye on the colour of your urine. If it is dark, that means you aren’t drinking enough water. It should be light or straw coloured if you are adequately hydrated. Give your feet a scrub in the shower and apply moisturiser generously post-wash. Then pop some cotton socks on before bed and let the cream go to work.

2. Athlete’s foot

A fungal infection that causes itchiness and redness on the feet and toes, as well as peeling, raw skin. Generally caused by having sweaty feet in trainers, it is also highly contagious and can be spread in communal showers and change rooms.

Treatment and prevention: A quick trip to the chemist to buy some disease-specific creams will see the symptoms clear up in a few days. It’s easy to ignore the symptoms or assume that they will go away on their own, but this can just make it worse. Always wear clean socks (change them through the day if they get sweaty); wear thongs in the shower at the gym, and don’t forget to sanitise your shared yoga mat.

3. Blisters

Pain, redness and blistering of the feet from shoes is very common. Ill-fitting shoes or ‘breaking in’ new ones can cause blisters as well as peeling of the skin on the feet.

Treatment and prevention: Try to avoid synthetic shoes (leather is ideal) as this can cause friction on the skin. Give your feet a break if you are wearing new shoes or if you feel any pain. Be sure to wear good quality socks when exercising, and socks or tights with any closed in shoes are ideal.

4. Dermatitis

If you suffer from dry skin, redness, eczema or dermatitis, that could explain why your feet are peeling.

Treatment and prevention: Visit the doctor for some prescription ointment to help ease the symptoms, always wear natural fibres on your feet (no cheap plastic shoes!) and keep your feet well moisturised.

5. Sunburn

While we tend to cover ourselves with sunscreen, it’s not common to put it on your feet. But if you’ve ever experienced the pain of burnt feet (either the tops or even the soles – ouch!) you’ll know that you should add ‘feet’ to your sunscreen routine.

Treatment and prevention: Apply cream to your feet before heading outdoors, and remember to reapply it after a few hours or post-swim.

Have you experienced peeling feet before? How did you manage to treat it? Share your tips with us in the comments below

beauty, feet, common, reasons, peeling