Ben Squires
Beauty & Style

Women microwave their underarms in the name of beauty

While microwaving your underarms may sound like a cross between something from a sci-fi movie and a horror film, an increasing number of women are lining up to have the procedure carried out, and paying for the privilege! Before you start imagining women contorting themselves to stuff their underarms in the humble kitchen appliance, a quick note. The “microwave” in question is actually a super high-tech beauty device known as miraSmooth. Similar in shape and size to a laser hair removal gun, the miraSmooth uses microwave energy to minimise hair and zap perspiration. This is due to its ability to heat the deeper levels of your skin where the roots of your hair and sweat glands are located.

The procedure itself is fairly straight-forward. A grid is drawn onto the armpit to help guide the microwave machine. A local anesthetic cream is then applied to minimise any discomfort during the 40 min procedure. Once this takes effect, the zapping starts! The procedure isn’t supposed to be painful and there is no downtime though some people may experience light to moderate bruising. Doctors carrying out the treatment in the US report a 70 per cent reduction in the rate of perspiration along with much slower hair growth after a treatment.

While currently only available overseas, there’s talk the technology may land on our shores sooner rather than later.

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Beauty & Style, women, Beauty tips, beauty treatment