Melody Teh
Family & Pets

Thank you dad for everything you taught me

Anne Marr, 68, is a registered hairdresser, whose hobbies include writing, gardening, caring for wild life and learning. She’s also studied health, journalism and pain management.

Well it’s Father’s Day again and I suppose I’m like many and rather missing their dad. I was really rather blessed as Dad lived with me for the last seven months of his life and they were probably the best seven months we got to spend together. We talked a great deal about things we had never talked about before. We also discussed his passing and what he would like done when the time came. When he did pass over we had the added blessing of my daughter and I being beside him, holding his hand, and his grandson sitting on the bed with him. The dog was there as well. Dad loved dogs and always had one. It was a peaceful passing at 11.15am at home with us all. As a child and teenager I don’t think I appreciated how much he sacrificed for us, or valued, like I do now as an adult and parent, the wonderful morals he instilled in us.

I try my best to live up to those values and morals and carry on his traditions that he stuck to all his life. These were:

So Dad, yes every year I am learning something new, but oh boy, modern technology moves so fast it’s hard to keep up with that! But I’m trying.

Dad loved gardening and growing his own food. That he was so good at. He also believed that children should eventually learn more and be smarter than their parents. In the end I discovered he was right. Life goes in a full circle. It was meant to be this way.

Dad and I had a special connection. We were both born on the same day, Friday February 13. That does not occur every year either. As far as we were concerned Friday the 13th is a lucky day. We both got to be born on this wonderful planet.

So Happy Father’s Day, Dad! I bet where ever you are, you are keeping busy. 

Related links: 

Special Father's Day stories from 2014 

The Granddad diaries: the maths police

Comics perfectly illustrate the father-son relationship

family, father's day, dad, Community contributor, memories, father, Tribute, Anne Marr