Family & Pets

10 dogs that can sleep anywhere, in any position and at any time

From napping in shoes to a food bowl, these dogs prove that you don’t need a comfy bed for a good night’s sleep.

1. This puppy believes a shoe makes the perfect pillow

2. This pup decided to snooze in the middle of hide-and-seek

3. This furry guy who was reaching for the remote control when it all got too much for him

4. “Thank you owner for this perfectly-sized bed.”

5. Sometimes the comfiest bed is another dog

6. This pup was in the middle of an intensive yoga pose when he dozed off

7. “I’m done playing.”

8. The thought of gardening just exhausted him.

9. “I could exercise or I could sleep. Hmm, which should I choose?”

10. Just in case I wake up hungry…

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Pets, Dogs, Sleep