Family & Pets

The funniest quotes from your grandkids

We all know that kids have a unique view on the world and will come up with the cutest sayings… or the harshest of observations that only a child would say out loud! So we asked the Over60 community to share the funniest words that have come from their grandchildren and you were all more than happy to oblige. If you’re looking for a laugh today, just read on for some hilarious, precious and simply adorable observations from our innocent young grandkids.

“When parents are reprimanding their six-year-old he simply gets up says ‘I don't want to be in this conversation’ and walks out of the room.” – Brian and Shirley Iles

“My grandson, about 5, was at my home and playing with Molly, my moodle. Molly could hear thunder in the distance and started shaking. My grandson was worried about her and said ‘Look Nan Molly is vibrating!’” – Jean McGurren

“My two year old grandson and I were watching a cormorant sitting after a swim with its wings spread out to dry. When I explained what it was doing, my grandson said, ‘No towel.’” – Laurie Slaughter

“Three-year-old Ethan after the death of my husband: ‘Grandma, did you drop Grandpa off at Heaven?’ ‘No.’ ‘Well, who did then?’” – Val Montoneri

“My grandson asked his mum after kinder: ‘Did you know Jesus died on a hot cross bun?’” – Frances Donaldson

“My granddaughter said to me, ‘Granny, I'm hungry.’ I said I would make her a little sandwich. She said, ‘No granny. I'm hungry for a lolly.’” – Ann Cluse

“My four year old granddaughter was admiring my ring and asked: “Can I have this one please Baba (grandmother in Croatian)? I replied, “Darling, you can have it when I die.” She start crying, saying: “I want you to die NOW.” When I told her that story when she grew up, she was crying again but this time apologising and feeling very bad. Love her dearly.” – Danica Cace Rodin

“Young grandson – almost five and about to start school – was finding it hard to wipe his little bottom after using the loo, called out to mummy, “I need help.” She replied, “You need to learn to do it yourself.” His reply? “Well it's not my fault the pope didn't make my arms long enough.” Still laughing.” – Sheryll Smith

“My three year old granddaughter said to me, “Granny, go to the bathroom and wash those purple lines off your legs now.” If only…” – Christine Day

“One day while watching TV, I was very tired and dozed off. I was woken up by my 11 year old grandson saying, “Gran, are you asleep or are you dead?” – Pat McDonald

“My granddaughter, then four, was at my house as we were getting ready for my brother’s funeral. I had put a few rollers in my hair; she looked at them and said, “Nanny, why do you have batteries in your hair?” – Marie Bowen

“My three-year-old granddaughter pointed to a photo of me on my wedding day and asked. ‘Who's that?’ I told her it was me and she said, ‘No it's not, it's a princess!’ It made my day.” – Karen Meredith

“Thee-year-old granddaughter was swanning around the lounge; when asked what she was doing, she said, ‘I'm a ‘flying mango’ Nanny!’ She meant flamingo.” – Lorraine Lawson

“After bathing my grandson, I pulled the plug out. He said: ‘Ma, the bath is eating the water up.’” – Patricia Pieterse

“When my grandson was four (now 12) he was watching me put on moisturising cream and asked what it was for. I replied saying it’s to stop wrinkles forming. His very thoughtful comment was, ‘I don't think it is working Nan.’ Well, he was right, if not yet knowledgeable about sensitivity.” – Lynne Jones

“My sister’s two-year-old granddaughter said, very loudly in a full café, “Nana farts and it STINKS!” –Mary Vassos

Related links:

What more hilarious quotes from grandchildren? Read the first part of our series here.

The grandparent diaries

In pictures: kids who think they’re pets

family, over60, community, grandchildren, grandparents