Alex O'Brien
Family & Pets

The funniest quotes from your grandkids

We all know that kids have a unique view on the world and will come up with the cutest sayings… or the harshest of observations that only a child would say out loud! So we asked the Over60 community to share the funniest words that have come from their grandchildren and you were all more than happy to oblige. If you’re looking for a laugh today, just read on for some hilarious, precious and simply adorable observations from our innocent young grandkids.

“My six year old granddaughter asked me, ‘What do you want for Christmas?’ I said, ‘Peace’. Laughing, she said, ‘Don’t be silly, you can’t have that!’” – Sandra Gilewsky

“When picking up Miss Six from school one day, she informed me she wanted me to meet her teacher. When we came face to face, my granddaughter says, ‘See, I told you nanna was wrinkly, but I still love her.’ What could I say?” – Annette Jones

“Four-year-old son watching his new little sister having a bath, says, ‘Don't thing I don't love baby Mummy, but why has she got two bums?’” – Leonie Merrick

“My young grandson asked his father, ‘Dad, why do you keep calling granny, Mum?’ ‘Because granny is my mother’ came the reply. ‘No she's not, she's a granny,’ insisted my grandson. No amount of persuasion or photographs would convince him!” – Christa Caldecott Cute.

“I was changing granddaughter's nappy and said, ‘Pooh, what a stinky poo.’ She replies, ‘Yes diarrhoea.’ I couldn't keep a straight face. Merely two years old and knows big words!” – Paulette Bakker

“My grandson, aged nine, asked his mother what she was getting me for Mother’s Day. She said she likes to do something with me instead of giving a present. My grandson replies, ‘Oh yeah, she's old and probably doesn’t need anything.’” – Jenny Moore

“Our five year old stayed over last night and was being teased by his Pop, when he turned to me and said very matter-of-factly. “Is this how naughty you get when you’re 62?’ Priceless!” – Jenni Misdale

“I am 78-years-old and my great-granddaughter Emma said to me, ‘Why do the veins on your hands stand up, Grandma?” – Pamela Padget

“My little nephew was watching my mother clean her teeth many years ago. When she took out her false top set, his eyes widened and he looked at her in amazement, exclaiming, ‘Grandma! You have MAGIC TEETH!’ Cute little munchkin!” – Jennifer Larmar.

“I always tell my grandson, Nana's the boss of this house. He was playing trains with his Pa and asked if he could blow up the track. Pa said yes, he stopped and thought for a moment, then said, better ask Nana 'cos she's the boss.” – Pauline Gilbert

“Our little three-year-old great-grandaughter said to me after my birthday tea ‘Did you enjoy your party, birthday girl?’ I turned 71.” – Rosalie Jones

“My four-year-old grandson told his mother, ‘And don't send messages to Poppy on Tuesdays (when I look after him) telling him not to buy me toys!’” – Andrew Smith

“My grandson told me he wanted to go to the rabbit shop. I asked if he meant the pet shop and he said 'no'. He got quite frustrated when I didn't understand what he meant by the rabbit shop. Finally he said, 'You know, Nanny… bunnies.’ So off we went to Bunnings.” – Leanne Baxter

“My grandson aged five said, ‘Mummy, when you were making me how did you put my eyes in?’” – Carole Coo

“My granddaughter was looking at a $1 coin and rolling it over in her hand. Then she spotted the Queen on the coin and said, ‘Oh look, there's great-grandma.’” – Di Lienert

“My young grandson was coughing and coughing. I gently stroked his back and when he finished he looked me in the eyes and said, ‘Don't worry about me, I'm just coughing up fur balls.’” – Bev Pow

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grandchildren, grandparenting, Children, funny, quotes