Family & Pets

How to create pet-friendly spaces

Just like us, animals like to have comfortable and friendly environment to live in. It doesn’t take much time or effort to turn any space into a pet-friendly one. So whether a little friend has just joined the family or you’ve moved to a new place, these tips will help you create pet-friendly space so your furry friend is safe, comfortable and happy.

Space for them

Carving out a specific space for your furry friend means they won’t seek refuge where they don’t belong. Choose an area free of fragile items and potential hazards. Include a comfy bed, water and toys and they will be happy four hours. 

Safe plants

Many common plants are hazardous to pets if chewed or swallowed. Plants which can be toxic include lilies, baby’s breath, carnation, azaleas, daisies as well as 300 other plant species. Make sure you check how pet-friendly your plants are before introducing any into the household. Ask your veterinarian or check the Pet Poison List for toxic plants.

Pet doors

If you have a fenced backyard consider a pet door so your cat or dog can head outside when they want. A well-exercised and entertained pet is less likely to get in trouble.

Litter boxes

Keep litter boxes away from feeding areas. After all you wouldn’t eat where you go to the toilet! Place litter boxes in a private but accessible area. If your pet doesn’t feel comfortable doing their business, they won’t.

Falling hazards

Balconies and open windows can be potential falling hazards to animals especially puppies and kittens. Many pets love gazing outside though so just make sure there is a secure covering which your pet cannot breach.

Electrical cords

Make sure there are no dangling cords which pets can chew. Cords can also tangle or trip a pet which might call objects to fall. Remember rabbits like to chew


A pet-friendly garden requires suitable fencing so your pet can play outside safely. Keep in mind that more athletic dogs and cats can be good jumpers so make sure your fence is high enough. When opting for types of fences, be sure to avoid large gaps between the fence and ground to prevent any curious digging pets escaping.


Nobody likes to be bored and that includes your pet. Provide them with toys to keep them entertained. 

home, pets, pet house, pet furniture