Alex O'Brien
Family & Pets

If a dog wore trousers, how would it wear them?

It's the fashion conundrum that has the internet in a tizzy.

Forget what colour is that dress - this time the situation concerns dogs, trousers, and a surprisingly divisive question.

Maxim magazine's Jared Keller tweeted an image back in December which posed the possibility of canines squeezing into a pair of jeans.

Showing one dog wearing a pair on his two hind legs, and another wearing denims on all four of his legs, the cartoon asked: "If a dog wore pants would he wear them like this or this?"

On one side, people have argued that trousers belong on legs, and since a dog technically has more than two, a quadruple-legged pair would be needed.

However, the opposition claims you wouldn't wear jeans on your "arms", so why would a dog? Aren't trousers supposed to cover your backside, after all?

"[The image] was shared on my Facebook news feed by a high school friend from a page called Doggo fight, which shared it from a page called Utopian Raspberry - Modern Oasis Machine (read: UR-MOM)," Keller wrote in an accompanying article.

"I thought about how they don't really have arms so their pants should technically go on every leg," Norbert told Maxim.

The original tweet, which has been shared more than 26,000 times, spawned its own hashtag  - #dogpants.

While the image's creator believes the "the second one looks better", which do you prefer?

First appeared on

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dog, funny, trousers, pants