Charlotte Foster
Family & Pets

Man slammed for wanting to get "proper night's sleep" away from newborn baby

A mother has sparked outrage online for considering letting her adult son move home in order to "get a proper night's sleep" away from his newborn baby. 

An anonymous woman based in the UK shared a post to the parenting forum Mumsnet to garner opinions on her dilemma, which was met with overwhelming criticism. 

She admitted she is not "enamoured with this idea", but explained he wants to "concentrate on going to work".

Explaining the situation, the woman wrote, "[My son, 27] and his girlfriend recently had a baby. As you'd expect they are being woken up during the night."

"[My son] has asked if he can move back in Monday - Friday so he can get a proper night's sleep so he can concentrate on going to work and do his job effectively."

"[My husband] thinks the idea is outrageous and he should just 'get on with it', I feel a bit confused as to why he is even asking."

"Surely other new parents don't do this? I get sleep deprivation is hard, but I am not overly enamoured with this idea. But I don't want to be unsupportive either - how would you respond?"

The post welcomed a flood of criticism, with many saying her son should be responsible and she should "tell him to grow up".

One wrote, "Your husband is right. How would you have felt if he'd left you 5 days a week when your son was a baby?! Have a word with your son and tell him to grow up."

Another said, "You say no for the sake of his girlfriend's wellbeing. You could also sit him down and explain this is what everyone else with kids goes through."

Someone else explained, "I'd respond that if he abandons his partner with a newborn, it's likely to end his relationship. So, no."

Another person agreed, "Wow. How about he thinks of his wife's need to get some sleep too and takes the time to do his share of the night-time care?"

Image credits: Getty Images

family & pets, newborn baby, outrage, mother