Family & Pets

4 things that we used to do that you’d be arrested for today

The definition of “safe” parenting has certainly changed over the decades… here are just four practices that were once commonplace but are now not only frowned upon, but often illegal.

Leaving children unattended

When we were parents you wouldn’t give a second thought to sending the kids off to walk to school by them self or leaving them at home while you quickly popped down to the shops. Now when we see children on the streets, or in the park with no parents in sight, it’s not only a great cause of concern but the police are usually called. 

Not wearing seatbelt in cars

It wasn’t too long ago when you could fit as many people as you knew in a car and if there wasn’t enough space, you would just plop the child atop of a mother’s lap. Today, this would definitely get you arrested. Infants must sit in an approved child safety seat and we all know what happens if you’re not wearing a seatbelt… a hefty fine. This is undoubtedly a good thing but we do have fond memories of piling as many people as could fit in a back of ute and that thrilling feeling of the ride.

No helmets when cycling

Learning to ride a bike can be a perilous task – usually involving lots of falls and scrapes. No wonder Australia introduced a law for mandatory bicycle helmets.

Using children as messengers  

Remember the days you could pin a note to your kids and send them off by themselves to the liquor store for some alcohol and cigarettes? It’s an idea that does seem incomprehensible now, not to mention illegal.

Related links:

How grandchildren of today differ to the grandkids of yesteryear

The funniest things grandkids say

15 things kids of today are missing out on

family, nostalgia