Courtney Allan
Family & Pets

Pet owners share their animal’s silliest moments

Pets have a way of bringing joy and humour during the most mundane moments.

One fellow pet lover decided to spread the joy by asking other pet owners on Twitter the following question:

“What is the funniest thing a pet of yours has ever done? This is just a straight up-prompt tweet and I am quite confident we'll be glad of it. Pics encouraged, particularly if relevant to the story.”

Nicole Cliffe, who wrote the tweet, wasn’t expecting the amount of replies and photos she received.

Thousands of pet owners were quick to share photos of their animals.

One user said that their dog didn’t like their new friend trying to kiss her.

Another dog owner explained that their dog believed that a tennis ball tree existed in their life.

Another follower said that their cat refuses to eat dinner without his hat on.

Last but not least, one follower explained the story of the time her dogs and cats worked together to get what they both wanted.

Has your pet done anything funny like this? Let us know in the comments.

animals, pet lovers, family and pets, dogs, cats