Alex Cracknell
Family & Pets

Peter Overton's heartfelt advice on Father's Day

In the delightful chronicles of the Overton family, one thing has become abundantly clear: Peter Overton absolutely adored witnessing the close bond between his father, John, and his daughters, Allegra and Giselle. It was a sight that not only warmed his heart, but reassured him that the family ties would endure through generations.

Overton has often reflected on his father’s age – nearly 87 – and marvelled at how John and his mother still live in the family home where Peter himself grew up. Even at 58, Peter couldn't help but beam with pride when talking about his parents. “They loved all their grandchildren,” he told NineNews, “but Allegra and Giselle were the youngest, and they talked to them every day.”

This Father's Day just gone, however, held special significance. The family hadn’t seen each other "for a while", and Peter knew it was high time they rectified that. The plan? A simple yet heartwarming meal of barbecue chickens and salad, enjoyed together at his parents' home. "We're going to buy barbecue chickens and salad and go over and sit with them," Peter had said in the days leading up to Father's Day, “because he's been an amazing mentor and friend and dad to me. He's an extraordinary, extraordinary human."

As Peter reminisced, he couldn’t help but hope that his daughters would hold him in similar regard. “I hope my girls see that in me,” he said, “and I’m sure they do.” Peter has always been a hands-on dad, always encouraging open communication and making sure Allegra and Giselle know they can talk to him and his wife Jess Rowe about anything without fear of judgment.

Peter has often recalled how his father had been a great communicator, even with the demands of his career as a professor of paediatric anaesthesia for 40 years. Peter remembered the early mornings when, after a night out, he and his siblings would cross paths with their father in the backyard. “Where are you going, Dad?” they’d ask, only to hear about some emergency with sick kids being flown in from Dubbo. Despite his busy job, John had never taken his eye off his children.

Now, as a father of two daughters, Peter has found himself similarly devoted. He's currently been teaching his eldest, Allegra, how to drive. “She’s got about 50 hours down,” he brags, though not without a hint of stress: “I’ve ripped out the grab handles in the car from stress,” he admits, only half-jokingly. It's all part of life’s passage; the gradual letting go as children navigate their teenage years.

Peter understands the delicate balance of being there for his daughters while allowing them the freedom to make their own choices, and yes, even mistakes. “You’ve got to let them fly, don’t you?” he says, with a wisdom that can only come from years of parenting. He and Jess have certainly found that balance, even as they continue to support their daughters through the ups and downs of school and teenage relationships.

And while there are many special memories the close-knit family have shared, Peter often recalls the days when his daughters were born as the most precious. “I remember both of them vividly,” he says, describing how he could still feel the weight of newborn Allegra in his hands as he proclaimed, “It’s a girl!” And with Giselle, born via emergency cesarean, he cherished the moment he held her skin-to-skin while Jess was tended to.

These moments, etched forever in his heart, are Peter’s best memories by a million. So, when asked what advice he’d give to new dads, Peter kept it simple: “Rely on your instincts”.

And with that, the legacy of love, devotion and the occasional heart-pounding driving lesson continues in the Overton family, one barbecue chicken at a time.

Images: Instagram

Peter Overton, Jessica Rowe, Father's Day