Family & Pets

Readers respond: What was the best thing about how your parents raised you?

We asked our readers what the best thing about how their parents raised them was, and their responses were inspiring and overwhelming! Here’s what you said:

Kayte Cole:
I had the love & support of a beautiful mother who taught me respect , manners & to care for others, great work ethics, unconditional love & a family bond that will never be broken ….I could go on forever but these are just a few that come to mind.

Cherry Kemp:
I asked my Mama if I could have a picnic. She made me peanut butter on saltine crackers, and put sweet tea in a Mason jar with a lid and gave me an old towel. I spread the old towel in the back yard, and had myself a picnic. That was a sweet memory for me.

Ali Maleckas:
The importance of Family ties ♥️ Visited family every weekend growing up and celebrated every important event with Aunts, Uncles and Cousins Have tried to instill these values in my four own children and two stepchildren with little success Currently many of them don't speak and have little contact I wish it was different but accept their decisions Keep myself happy by keeping in touch with the them and the extended family as much as possible 😍

Sue Harris:
Learnt.Respect. Manners Honesty and treat people the way you would like to be treated yourself

Rachel Wright:
To respect others and treat each person as you will like to be treated.

JillnGary Smith:
Genuine care & lots of love...they taught us all the most valuable traits that make decent human beings. 

Gail Kraal:
I was inspired by their great work ethic.

Sue Blatchford:
Respect for others and their property… particularly your elders

Stacia Hannum:
I could count on my father no matter what. In his last years, he could count on me, no matter what.

Dot Wilde:
to have respect and manners ,to always be polite, Mums favourite saying (It doesn't cost anything to be polite)

Marcia Delgado:
The unconditional love and respect for all individuals.

Julie Hargreaves:
They taught me honesty, respect, love, and to do the best I can.

Mike Jones:
To be content with what you had and to respect others. They taught me the importance of good manners and to never forget where I came from.

Julia Santos:
My mom was very knowledgeable about plants, especially medicinal properties of herbs and spices. It awakened a desire to learn more. My dad was very hardworking. Very self reliant. Strong work ethic. Honest and fair. My parents were the best. 🙏❤️🙏

Pauline Godschalk:
To be respectful, to believe in myself, and to help the less fortunate.

Julie Abbot:
We were taught good manners and to help and respect other people, particularly our elders. We have a close knit family who love each other.

Kathleen Couch:
To care for other people.

Linda Taylor:
Respect for others,treat them as you wish to be treated.

Rosemary Maybury:
They taught me good manners and to be self reliant and strong! bless them both.

Vicki McCarthy:
Just being my Mum, she always made time to sit and listen to whatever it was I wanted to talk about, she also always made the time for anyone who needed someone to talk to and had a never ending supply of hugs for everyone.

Family & pets, nostalgia, Childhood