Charlotte Foster
Family & Pets

Stranded three-year-old to be reunited with his parents

A three-year-old who was trapped on a NSW cattle station with his grandparents for eight weeks has finally been reunited with his parents. 

Memphis Francis will reconnect with his parents on Friday afternoon after being granted an exemption to return to his home state of Queensland, where border closures are strict.

The plight of the thee-year-old has caused major embarrassment to the Palaszczuk government, as its was revealed the family was denied an exemption many times but were denied. 

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt called Queensland’s strict border policy a “profound moral failure”.

Memphis's mother spoke to 2GB on Friday morning, saying she would finally get to hug her child.

“Eight weeks has felt like eight years, so it is definitely going to be very emotional,” she said.

“I’m definitely going to ugly cry.”

Memphis has been stranded on a remote cattle station in rural New South Wales with his grandparents for the whole eight weeks. 

He left the Fraser Coast in early July and has been unable to return home since. 

Coming to the rescue is Angel Flight Australia who have arranged safe transport for Memphis to return to Hervey Bay later on Friday.

“I can’t thank everyone enough for supporting us, showing us so much love and compassion,” Memphis's emotional mum said.

“A huge thank you for Angel Flight … for helping us getting our little boy home. We’re so grateful."

The family announced they would be donating $1,000 to Angel Flight as a token of their appreciation for helping Memphis get home to his parents. 

Image credits: Sky News

family, reunited, queensland border, nsw