Family & Pets

The joy grandchildren bring explained

A proud grandmother reflects on how much joy and wonder a new grandbaby can bring to your life.

“We have four children and eight grandchildren and each one is a precious jewel with their own beauty and light. Our eldest daughter, the one child who always wanted to marry and have children, has joyfully given us the eighth grandchild at the age of 41.

We had given virtually given up hope of her having children. In 2009 I was diagnosed with leukaemia, which entailed over the years many weeks in hospital and countless appoints treatments and follow ups. She was with me the whole journey. It was easier for her as she wasn't tied down with family as the others were. Then three years ago she met and fell in love with the now father of our eight month old grandson. We mind him two days a week while they both work.

You love all your children and your grandchildren equally without reservation, totally. They are your joy; they bring fun and laughter into your life; bring back your childhood, and equally fill you with promise for the future. We have watched them grow and blossom, seen the artistic, quirky clever funny serious side of each of them. But with my illness, and that of my husband, our lives were reduced and diminished. Four of our little ones had moved interstate. The other three being at school, and with the busy lifestyles of their parents, our time together had changed. Life seemed quiet and rather empty. But then Max came along!

He has changed our lives. The laughter we all share through his amazing sense of humour. His delight when he arrives each morning. His trust in us. It is such a gift and we are so grateful.

My daughter said to me the other day: ‘My greatest joy is being able to share Max with you.’ And I’m so glad she did.”

Do you have a story to tell about your grandchildren? We’d love you to be part of our Grandparent Diaries series! Email us at

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family, grandparent diaries, grandparenting, grandkids, lifestyle