Family & Pets

Turia Pitt’s baby boy is growing up fast!

Having a newborn is no easy task but Turia Putt has managed to handle motherhood with ease and grace since welcoming her first son, Hakavai, into the world two years ago, with fiancé Michael Hoskin.

In February she again brought a new life into this world – Rahiti, which means "sunrise".

Pitt has not fallen short in giving fans gorgeous pictures of the beautiful tot either and took to Instagram to share how grateful she was for two healthy sons – while admitting the journey has come with its own unique challenges.

"I'm overjoyed, delirious, sleep deprived and extremely emotional," Turia said on Instagram.

"Sometimes my mind will race ahead of me – I need to get the washing in, send that email, get Hakavai's stuff ready for pre-school. I worry about how I'll sleep tonight, and what tomorrow will be like if I don't get enough (who am I kidding? Of course I won't get enough). It's exhausting," she said.

"So, what do I do about it? I remind myself to stay in the moment. In THIS moment. I try not to get too caught up in the future, and all the things that need doing, and focus on what is happening right here and right now."

Motherhood seems to have given Turia a new sense of belonging in her life and an even brighter attitude.

Scroll through the gallery to see her two sons.

Turia Pitt, Family & pets, family, children, lifestyle