Food & Wine

A man’s unusual reaction to a ham roll five years on

A UK-based father who claims he “cannot stop farting” after eating a ham roll in 2017, has launched a legal bid for $350,000.

Tyrone Prades, 46, says the snack sparked life-changing flatulence which wakes him at night and embarrasses him in public.

The ham sandwich’s victim reports he had a severe tummy ache within hours of consuming it at a Christmas market, and was then bed-bound for five weeks, his lawyers have allegedly told the High Court.

He and others who ate at the same stall were said to have been infected with salmonella. Within hours of eating the ham roll, he had stomach cramps, fever, vomiting and diarrhoea, the court heard. His lawyer, Robert Parkin, said he was sick for months and was still flatulent five years on with churning noises in his gut. 

“The claimant continues to suffer from excessive flatulence, which causes him a great deal of embarrassment.

“The symptoms are, primarily, fatigue and altered bowel function associated with ‘churning’ within his abdomen and flatulence. The claimant’s stomach continues to make frequent churning noises to the extent his sleep can become disrupted.”

Mr Parkin claimed the ham had been contaminated with salmonella bacteria and other customers also fell ill.

The barrister added: “The extent of the symptoms has been life-changing.”

He said the stall was closed and deep-cleaned following Public Health England investigation.

Mr Prades, of Chippenham, Wilts, is suing the operator, Frankfurt Christmas Market Ltd, for at least £200,000 (AU$347,014), although the company denies any blame.

The company’s barrister, Philip Davy, admitted council environmental health officers found e.coli on a knife but no salmonella. The case will now go on trial at a later date.

Image: Getty

Food & wine, body, UK, health, Sandwich