Alex O'Brien
Food & Wine

Butterflied saffron chicken

Sure, picking up a roast chicken from the supermarket is easy, but once you try this butterflied saffron chicken you’ll agree it’s worth the extra effort.


Orange saffron paste


  1. To prepare the orange saffron paste, thinly slice the top and bottom off orange and discard.  Cut orange with skin into 12 wedges and make sure you remove any pips.
  2. Place orange wedges in a small pot and add honey, saffron, vinegar and 150ml cold water, or enough to just cover the orange.
  3. Place over a medium heat and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and simmer for an hour or until orange is soft and a syrup is formed.
  4. Remove from heat, transfer to a food processor fitted with a metal blade and process to a smooth, runny paste.  Alternatively, you can puree with a stick blender.
  5. To prepare chicken, place it breast-side down on a clean board and, using poultry shears or kitchen scissors, cut on one side of the back bone along its entire length.
  6. Open chicken out as much as possible and turn it over so the skin side is up.
  7. Using the heel of your hand press firmly on the breastbone to break it, the collar bones, rib cage and wishbone. You should hear a cracking sound if done correctly.
  8. Pour two litres cold water into a large bowl and add salt, stirring to dissolve.
  9. Put chicken in brine. Top with plate to keep chicken submerged and refrigerate for 24 hours.
  10. Remove chicken from brine and pat dry using paper towels.
  11. Preheat oven to 190°C. Lightly grease a roasting dish with additional olive oil.
  12. Cut wing tips off at the first joint. Remove the backbone by cutting out scissors.
  13. Starting from the neck end of the chicken and working over one breast at a time, loosen skin by sliding your fingers between the skin and flesh.
  14. Work slowly down towards the leg. Leave skin attached only at the tip of drumstick.
  15. Spread Orange Saffron Paste between chicken flesh and skin using a teaspoon. Smooth the outside of the skin to encourage the paste to evenly coat all the chicken flesh.
  16. Brush skin of chicken with olive oil then sprinkle with paprika.
  17. Place chicken skin side upwards into the roasting dish.
  18. Cook chicken for up to an hour and 10 minutes until the juices run clear, or internal temperature of the chicken reaches 75°C.
  19. Remove from oven and cover tray with aluminium foil. Rest chicken away from heat, at room temperature, for 15 to 20 minutes.
  20. Remove from roasting dish and chop into 4-8 portions.
  21. Serve immediately, or cool and refrigerate to serve cold that day or next.

Written by Ruth Pretty. First appeared on

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dinner, recipe, chicken, saffron