Michelle Reed
Food & Wine

Caramel popcorn

Make movie night special with a naughty but oh-so-delicious caramel popcorn treat.


Caramel sauce


  1. Heat oil in large saucepan over medium heat. Add popping corn and cover pan. Remove from heat when corn stops popping. Transfer to bowl, discarding any unpopped corn.
  2. To make the caramel, combine butter, sugar and syrup in saucepan over medium to high heat. Cook, stirring frequently, for five to seven minutes or until sugar has dissolved. Bring mixture to boil and uncover pan. Cook, without stirring, for three to four minutes or until mixture turns golden.
  3. Pour caramel mixture over popcorn and stir until popcorn is coated. Set aside to cool. Serve.

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food and wine, snacks, recipes, food, lifestyle