Alex O'Brien
Food & Wine

Caramelised onion and thyme scones

The perfect pairing for a hearty bowl of soup, these fresh, warm caramelised onion and thyme scones are the perfect savoury dish to bake this winter.

Makes: 20



  1. To begin, preheat your oven to 200°C.
  2. Using your fingertips, rub the butter into flour until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
  3. Stir in parmesan and thyme, then season with salt and pepper. 
  4. After this, make a well in the mixture and add milk.
  5. Stir the dough with a butter knife, until it just comes together.
  6. Add the caramelised onion then fold it into a mixture.
  7. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead gently to from a round, 2cm thick.
  8. Using a 5cm cutter, cut rounds from the dough.
  9. Reshape scraps of dough to cut more rounds.
  10. Lightly grease a baking tray then place rounds on it.
  11. Brush rounds lightly with milk then bake for 25 minutes or until golden.
  12. Transfer to a wire rack and cover with a tea towel before serving warm.

Don’t you just love scones? Do you think you’ll try this recipe at some stage? What’s your personal favourite scone variation? Please let us know in the comments below.

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Related links:

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recipe, Scones, Savoury, caramelised onion, thyme