Michelle Reed
Food & Wine

Chocolate mousse brownies

Everyone loves brownies, right? And we can’t imagine anyone who doesn’t like chocolate mousse. So the two combined just might make the perfect chocolatey dessert indulgence.





1. To make the mousse, soak gelatin in water for five minutes and melt the dark chocolate.

2. Warm the condensed milk. In a bowl, mix gelatin, chocolate and condensed milk. Add whipping cream, stirring. Chill for one hour.

3. To make brownies, preheat oven to 180°C and grease a 30cm by 45cm baking tray, then melt chocolate.

4. In a bowl, mix chocolate, melted butter, and condensed milk. In a separate bowl, beat eggs until a foam forms, and work into mixture.  Slowly add flour and mix in.

5. Pour batter into baking tray and bake for 10 to 12 minutes.

6. Let chill for around 20 minutes. Spread mousse on brownies, smoothing top and freeze for three hours.

7. Remove from freezer and serve cold.

Related links:

Chocolate peanut butter cupcakes

Mocha chocolate brownies

Chocolate and peanut butter brownies

food and wine, food, dessert, recipes