Michelle Reed
Food & Wine

Smokey eggplant dip

This delicious dip is simple to whip up, and is sure to be a crowd-please.



  1. Make slashes all over the eggplants and generously rub over the olive oil.
  2. Cut a small slit in each eggplant and insert two cloves of garlic into each.
  3. On a barbeque set to a medium-high heat, cook the eggplants for 25 to 30 minutes, or until charred all over and soft, turn regularly. Take off the heat and leave aside to cool.
  4. Once cool, peel the eggplants, cut in half lengthwise, and remove the seeds.
  5. Use a food processor to blend the eggplants and garlic until they form a smooth puree. Add the lemon juice and extra olive oil.
  6. Season with salt to taste.
  7. Serve with a little olive oil drizzled on top with paprika.

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recipe, recipes, dip, food and wine