Melody Teh
Food & Wine

French macarons

Have you ever wondered how the French create those colourful, delicious macarons? Here’s how.

Note: Be sure to weigh your ingredients accurately, as macarons are a finicky recipe to create.

Makes: 8



  1. In a bowl of a standing mixer, whisk egg whites until foamy.
  2. Add white sugar and beat until mixture is fluffy and softly peaked.
  3. In a bowl, sift confectioners’ sugar and almonds together.
  4. Fold mixture into egg whites, being careful not to mix too much.
  5. Add a small amount of gel food colouring. Do not over-fold as this can disturb the mixture.
  6. Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with a silicone baking mat.
  7. Place some test batter into a plastic bag, cutting off the corner.
  8. On the baking sheet, make a disk of batter, about 4cm in diameter.
  9. The batter should flatten right away. If it doesn’t, fold your batter a few more times and try again.
  10. Once your batter is at the right consistency to form a flattened disk, spoon into the bag and create more disks, leaving space in between each.
  11. Let disks sit out until they form a shell on top, which should take about an hour.
  12. Preheat oven to 140°C and bake for about 10 minutes until cookies are set.
  13. Let cool and add filling, sandwiching between two macarons.

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Food & wine, Dessert, Macarons, French, Snack