Michelle Reed
Food & Wine

5 reasons to buy direct from a winery

If you find a wine that you really enjoy, you might find yourself interested in a trip to their cellar door. There are lots of benefits to buying your wine direct from the winery instead of from an online seller or retail outlet.

1. Price

Many wineries can offer a better price per bottle than a retailer can, as they can be more flexible with costs. Many also offer good deals for delivery too, so it always pays to ask.

2. Variety

Not many bottle shops would offer the full range of wines from a single wine maker. By visiting the cellar door you can sample and purchase limited edition or interesting new varieties that you may not see elsewhere.

3. Special offers

Some wineries offer special deals to those on their mailing list. Avoid missing out on special case prices or free delivery options by putting your email address on their files.

4. Supporting local business

Rather than supporting a national supermarket chain (as many bottle shops are owned by them) you will be supporting local families instead. That means you are helping them to keep investing in their product.

5. Forming relationships

When you visit a winery you get to speak face to face with the grower or wine maker. You can discuss your likes and dislikes, and over time they will get to know you. From there, they will be able to get in touch when something comes up that you might be interested in, such as a new variety or a special edition wine.

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Lee Price, wine, food and wine, winery