Ben Squires
Food & Wine

Halloween witch finger biscuits

Spook and delight the grandkids with these delicious, creepy Halloween witch finger biscuits.

Makes: 30



1. Preheat oven to 175°C and line two baking sheets.

2. In a shallow bowl, add food colouring. Half each almond and stir into food colouring. Let sit for darker colour.

3. Separate one egg, saving the white. In a separate bowl, whisk yolk, second egg and vanilla.

4. Set up your electric mixer with the paddle attachment. Add butter, icing sugar, sugar and salt. Beat until combined. Add egg and beat again until mixture is smooth. Add flour and incorporate into a dough.

5. Wrap in plastic wrap and let chill for 20 to 30 minutes.

6. Divide dough into two portions, letting one portion chill. On a floured surface, divide one half into 15 pieces. Roll the pieces to form the shape of fingers, pinching to form knuckles. Fingers will expand, so make them skinnier than you want the final result to be. Using a knife, add lines to knuckles.

7. Place on baking sheets and repeat.

8. Brush fingers with reserved egg white. Add almonds as nails, pushing into dough.

9. Bake for 12 minutes or until lightly browned and let cool.

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Lifestyle, food & wine, halloween, biscuits