Melody Teh
Home & Garden

10 amazing home cleaning tips everyone should know

Do you ever find that you can’t get certain items in your home quite as shiny-clean as you would like them? Try some of our tips below and then sit back and admire your handiwork.

1. Clean your oven racks in the laundry tub or bath. Add a cup of NapiSan while you fill the tub with hot water. Leave the racks to soak for two hours and the grease should wipe off easily.

2. Remove sticky labels from jars, windows or mirrors by pouring eucalyptus oil onto a cloth and wiping gently over the area.

3. Cleaning your dishwasher is quick and easy. After unloading the dishwasher, place a mug of white vinegar upright in the top rack and another one in the bottom rack. Run on a hot wash. It should then be easy to remove any grease or grime with a clean cloth.

4. Instead of having to clean the tops of your cupboards in the kitchen, place some newspaper on the top. Once a month, change the paper and give the top of the cupboards a quick wipe down.

5. If you’ve got a big area to vacuum, plug it into an extension lead. It saves time plugging in and re-plugging.

6. For a super shiny sink, boil a full kettle and then spray the entire sink with white vinegar in a spray bottle. Sprinkle over some baking soda and leave for ten minutes. Give the sink a good scrub (get an old toothbrush out if you need to get into tricky spots) and then pour over the boiled water. Spray with more vinegar and get any last bits of grime off. Dry off the sink with an old tea towel and then buff the sink with some olive oil on a rag.

7. If you break a glass, use Blu Tack to pick up the tiny shards. Simply throw away the Blu Tack when finished.

8. After using your blender, rinse it out and pour in a capful of washing up liquid and a cup of warm water. Place the lid back on (very important!) and turn on for around 15 seconds. Rinse well under warm water and the majority of the mess will be gone.

9. To clean your microwave, soak a sponge in warm water and place in the microwave for one minute. The steam will make it easy to wipe the inside of the microwave clean.

10. If your iron needs a bit of a clean, pop some toothpaste on an old toothbrush and give it a scrub before wiping clean with a damp cloth.

Image credits: Getty Images

home, cleaning, Home cleaning, Cleaning tips