Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

10 rules every good house guest follows

You've been invited to stay in somebody else's house. You're instantly told "make yourself at home!" But you can't really, can you? Here's the unsaid rules of being a houseguest you just can't break. 

1. Not arriving on time

Always provide your itinerary to your host before you arrive. If your flight or train is delayed, give them real-time updates. Google Map your journey in advance so you know exactly how to get to their house. It's awfully inconvenient as a host to be waiting to give a guest keys, but have them arrive two hours late because of an excuse like "I got lost".

2. Turning up empty handed

You don't need to bring much, but when staying at someone's house you need to arrive with a token of appreciation. A bottle of wine, some chocolates, or a kitsch little jar of jam you made. Turning up empty handed is expected by the host, but all good houseguests know a small gift is the right way to kick things off.

3. Keeping your shoes on

Perhaps you live in a shoes-on house when you're at home, but unless told so, you should never keep them on when staying at another's. Especially if you only see your host walking around bare foot, or in socks/slippers. Houseguests bring in extra dirt, fluff, and marks – the most conscious you can be of that, the better.

4. Turning down food

When you're staying in somebody else's home, you must eat what you are served. Hosts go to a lot of effort to make you feel welcome and cooking for you is a big part of that. If you have any dietary requirements, say so before you arrive and offer to bring a bag of shopping. Your host will probably refuse, but you've laid the groundwork for happy mealtimes for the duration of your stay.

5. Not cleaning up

Picture this: you're staying with a friend, and they're at work all day while you mooch around their house. The dishwasher is full but you don't know where anything goes in the cupboards. You pile your dirties in the sink, and your friend comes home to find them. Cue instant aggression that will forever remain unspoken. Avoid being a bad guest by cleaning up when you're a houseguest – even if you put things back in the wrong place.

6. Not asking to use laundry facilities

One of the most difficult things about travelling is getting your laundry done. When a washing machine and dryer become available, it's natural to want to jump on them. But you must ask your host first. They will always say yes – everybody understands what it's like to have to wear inside-out underwear when you've had no laundry facilities for a week – but it's just polite to ask.

7. Asking your host to quiet down

When staying in somebody else's house, there's a high chance of noises you're not used to. That could mean your host watching TV at midnight when you've got to be up early, or them talking loudly on the phone at 6AM while you're asleep. But you can't say anything about it. If you are noise-sensitive, always bring quality earplugs.

8. Bringing lovers home

We get it, maybe you're in an exciting new city and the options for a little sexy time are pinging at your phone every few minutes. But you cannot, under any circumstances, invite a new lover over to somebody's house when you're staying there. Even if you have their house to yourself, it's just a breach of respect. If you want to hook up, go to their place.

9. Leaving the bed unmade

Hosts generally accept there'll be some clean-up after you're gone. But don't leave the guest bed unmade, or your dirty sheets on it. Strip them off on your final morning, and either fold them nicely, or put them in the washing machine (this is one situation where you don't need their permission to use their laundry). Remake the bed with or without clean sheets if possible.

10. Not saying thank you

It doesn't have to be a formal written letter (though that would be nice, wouldn't it). But you must thank your hosts after you leave with a note, an e-mail, or even a text. It's something so easy to forget to do once you're gone, but ensures the host feels their hospitality has been appreciated. And if you've not broken any of the other rules, you'll definitely get invited back.

Image credits: Shutterstock

Written by Lee Suckling. First appeared on Stuff.co.nz.

travel, accomodation, rules, good, houseguest, follow