Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

5 hacks that will make holiday entertaining so much easier

The holidays are a beautiful time of gatherings with family and friends but unfortunately, the pressures of hosting can leave many feeling stressed and exhausted during the festive season.

To decrease the load of entertaining, follow these home hacks.

1. Set up a first aid station

If there is a clear first aid station, guests can tend to themselves instead of asking you for a product every time an accident happens. Key things to include in your first aid station include band-aids, burn spray, sunscreen and insect repellent.

2. Designate a relaxation room

Choose one room in your house that is away from everyone for anyone who needs a break from the hustle bustle or who isn’t feeling well. Make sure there is a fan in the room and a blanket for the guests’ comfort.

3. Tie a bottle opener to the esky

To avoid being asked multiple times for a bottle opener, tie it to the esky or drinks tub before the guests arrive. It will be one less thing for you to worry about on the day.

4. Make edible dessert cups

There are many recipes to make dessert cups or you can opt for waffle ice cream cones if you don’t have time to make anything. These dessert cups will give you an easy dessert that involves no washing up.

5. Use cupcake liners to keep bugs away

If you’re entertaining outside, turn cupcake liners upside down and place them over drinks to keep flies away. You can even punch a hole through them for straws!

What are your home hacks for holiday entertaining? Let us know in the comments below. 

hamburger, holiday, entertaining, make, hacks, easier