Home & Garden

7 reasons why you should join a community garden

Community gardens are not only a great way to meet likeminded green thumbs but they also keep you mentally stimulated, physically fit and if all goes to plan, offer basketfuls of fresh fruit and veg. If you still need convincing to join your local garden, here are seven reasons why you should give it a go.

1. It’s cheap and affordable

It varies from garden to garden, but most charge only a small monthly or annual fee. The money primarily goes back into the community garden for infrastructure so your out-of-pocket costs will be minimal.

2. Shared supplies

Gardening tools and supplies can cost and arm and a leg so a community garden, where the community pools its resources to share the wealth, not only saves the individual gardener money but brings the community closer together.

3. You will learn a lot

There’s no better place to learn than at a community garden. Not only will you be able to learn from fellow gardeners but local gardens frequently put on workshops and activities to help the whole community learn and grow.

4. The best start

If you’ve always wanted your very own veggie patch but felt a bit overwhelmed starting it in your own backyard, a community garden is a great place to start. Allotted your own small and manageable piece of land, you also get help from the community and you’ll soon be a more confident gardener. 

5. Communal effort

As a lone gardener, sometimes the to-do list seems never-ending. However, in a community garden fellow green thumbs are more than happy to help out. It means you can go on your overseas holiday happy in the knowledge your plants won’t die.

6. Fresh food

If you’re looking to save on fresh, organically grown produce than look no further than a community garden. Unsurprisingly, it’s much cheaper growing your own produce but best of all, the sense of accomplishment of cooking up your home-grown food will make it taste much more delicious – we guarantee it!

7. The community

While we know there are many Over60 community member gardeners who have their own private garden paradise, the benefits of a community garden is just that: the community. The social aspect is great to meet new people with similar interests as well as strengthen the community spirit.

Related links:

How to start a community garden

7 ways to make sure your garden is eco-friendly

Top 8 tips for composting

gardening, community garden