Alex O'Brien
Home & Garden

5 amazing benefits of indoor plants

Bring the goodness of the outdoors into your home with these interesting new ways to use indoor plants. Rather than just purely for decoration, you can make the plants work for your benefit.

Save time with potted herbs on your window sill

If you don’t have space for a herb garden, why not bring the herbs to the kitchen instead? All you need is a sunny windowsill and some small pots to get started. Grow them from seed and sprinkle with water when you turn on the tap. That way the herbs will be ready to snip and use at the exact moment you need them. Try: basil, parsley, coriander.

Fill a frame for the wall with a plant

If you have a feature wall with framed pictures hanging on it, why not consider “framing” a plant that would sit flush against the frame itself. Try: elkhorn or staghorn.

A plant in your bedroom can help you sleep better

Use the natural air purification qualities of a plant to clean the air in your bedroom for a better night’s sleep. They can rid the air of harmful toxins such as those found in paints, wood and cleaning products. Try: aloe vera or bamboo palm.

Place a row of small plants on a shelf above a doorway or hallway for a dramatic effect

A pop of green colour in an otherwise empty space really catches the eye. Using say four or five of the same small plant adds more impact than just one or two. Just don’t forget to water them. Try: small cactus or miniature succulents.

Plants that love humidity and moisture are great for bathrooms

Make the most of the moist air and pot up some steam loving plants. A splash of greenery makes a bathroom feel fresher and works well in contrast to bright whites or pale greens and yellows. You can even stick them in the shower with you to save time and money watering them. Try: a spider plant or peace lily. 

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home, tips, gardening, plants, herbs, pot plant