Michelle Reed
Home & Garden

What to consider before you install solar panels

Solar systems are a great way to save money and offset much of your household’s power needs but there are a three main points to take into consideration before you jump into solar.

1. Size

The cost and output of your solar system will depend on the size you choose. Look at your current electricity bill and compare the consumption with what each solar system can generate. Will it meet your power needs?

2. Location

As solar systems are dependent on the sun, where you live will have an effect on the performance. Places where there’s abundant sunshine (and less clouds) will have a more effective system.

3. Roof

Make sure the pitch, angle and material of your roof is suitable for solar system installation. Also consider how much shade covers your roof as shading will affect the output of a solar system.

Related links:

How does solar power work?

4 ways to save money on your energy bills

How solar power can save you money

Energy, Solar, Solar power, solar panels