Home & Garden

4 cleaning commandments that your mother taught you

When you’ve been running your own household for years, it can seem like all your know-how just comes naturally. But someone had to teach you everything you know. Some of it was probably trial and error, but more likely is that your mother (or aunt or grandmother) passed on the tips that were handed to them. Let’s take a look at what your mum probably taught you.

Handle with care

Even if it takes you a few extra minutes, treating your laundry with a little extra care can save you time and money in the long run. Turn out the pockets of pants and shorts to avoid things like receipts, pens, or the dreaded tissue going through the washing machine.

Never underestimate the power of the iron

A wrinkled outfit can make a bad first impression in important situations like a job interview, so knowing how to iron is vital. The power of steam, where to crease, and when to use starch are things your mum probably taught you, even if she didn’t know it.

Nail those hospital corners

It seems like everyone knows how to do a hospital corner – even if they don’t use that skill on a daily basis. Getting them right was something your mum was the best at – bar none, and can help make a great first impression when it counts; like house inspections.

Keep vinegar on hand

This natural cleaner is great all around the house. Clean the refrigerator, mix it with baking soda to lift stains, freshen up your windows, and remove ink from little hands. You may have seen your mum carrying a bottle around with other cleaning products.

Related links:

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home, cleaning, tips, mum