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Common gardening mistakes you can avoid

Gardens are meant to be a haven in which you can relax. So make the most of your green space, read these tips to avoid making common errors. 

Gardening mistake #1: Not buying enough of the same thing 

How to fix it: If you only buy a couple of the same species your garden can look a little untidy. It’s better to go for five or six of the same plant so that you garden will look together and well defined.                 

Gardening mistake #2: Choosing unhealthy plants 

How to fix it: Check the leaves of the plants you want to buy in the nursery. Any leaves that look yellow, brown or limp could be a sign that the plant is not in great shape. Also check the plants for holes in the flowers or leaves as this might mean that bugs have had a nibble. Keep an eye out for spider webs too. 

Gardening mistake #3: Buying flowers in bloom

How to fix it: Sure they look fantastic on the shelves in the nursery, but it’s better to let the plants reach their peak in your garden instead. Look for healthy leaves and plump buds as these should flower soon. 

Gardening mistake #4: Choosing plants with root issues 

How to fix it: Avoid plants that have lots of roots sticking out of the bottom of the pot as this can mean the plant is having trouble absorbing nutrients. You can also skip the plants with underdeveloped roots as they need more time to mature.

Gardening mistake #5: Not reading the label

How to fix it: Those tags can tell you a lot about the plants and their needs. Things like how much water they like, whether they need full or part sun, and the size of the full-grown plant. The size is a good one to look at so that you don’t end up planting a tall plant in front of a small one.

Gardening mistake #6: Forgetting to measure your garden bed

How to fix it: Staff at nurseries can be really helpful in letting you know how much soil or plants you might need for the area you are using. Having a photo and some measurements on hand will be really useful so that you can get the best advice. 

Gardening mistake #7: Not selecting a colour theme 

How to fix it: while it’s nice to have assorted colours through the garden, it does look more striking if there is some sort of plan in terms of the colours you choose. Rather than a hodge-podge rainbow effect, you can have one theme throughout or at least have a single colour palette in each garden bed.

Gardening mistake #8: Waiting too long to plant

How to fix it: Ideally it’s a good idea to plant your purchases as soon as you get home. Lay the pots out where you think you will plant them to give you a snapshot of how it will look. If you can’t plant right away keep the plants in a shady spot where they won’t dry out.

Gardening mistake #9: Not accepting help from professionals

How to fix it: The staff at garden nurseries are experts and enjoy helping you make the best choices. They also know a lot about the conditions of the area and can offer invaluable advice on what plants will work best for your garden. They might even give you a hand to load up your car. 

Garden, garden tips, gardening, plants, flowers