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8 great uses for Epsom salt in the garden

Comprised of hydrated magnesium sulphate, a naturally occurring mineral, Epsom salts are good old-fashioned home remedy to give your garden an extra boost. Both cost effective and gentle on your greenery, here are eight uses for Epsom salt in your garden.

Note: It’s always advisable to do a soil test in your garden before apply nutrients to soil.

1. Improve seed germination

Give your garden a boost right from the start! Magnesium helps seed germination and strengthens cell walls. Incorporate one cup of salt per 100 square feet of soil or mix a tablespoon or two into soil at the bottom of each hole before dropping in seeds.

2. Help nutrient absorption

Commercial fertilisers often add magnesium to help roots absorb nutrients so go straight to the source. Add Epsom salt to soil to improve absorption naturally.

3. Turn yellow foliage green

Yellowing leaves are often caused by a magnesium deficiency, as magnesium is an essential component in the production of chlorophyll. Try sprinkling one-tablespoon of Epsom salt around the soil of your plants once a month. You could also mix one tablespoon of salt into three litres of water and spray directly on leaves.

4. Prevent leaf curling

Leaf curling may also be caused by a lack of magnesium so add Epsom salt to the soil around the base of the plant or spray with the above mix of Epsom salt and water.

5. Weed killer

This natural weed killer works a treat. Mix two cups of Epsom salt with four litres of vinegar. Add four tablespoons of liquid dishwasher and put mixture into spray bottle.

6. Beautiful roses

It seems the secret to beautiful roses might just be Epsom salts. Not only do they help roses produce larger blossoms in greater numbers, it makes colour richer, foliage darker and stronger plants. When planting, soak roots in half a cup of Epsom salt diluted in three litres of water. Sprinkle Epsom salt in the hole prior to planting. Once per month during growing, sprinkle one tablespoon of Epsom salt per feet of plant height around the base of plant.

7. Tasty tomatoes

Tomatoes are prone to magnesium deficiency later in the growing seasons. Regular applications of Epsom salt will result in more blooms, less blossom rot and sweeter, tastier and more bountiful tomatoes.  When planting, add one tablespoon of salt per hole before planting seeds or transplanting. Every two weeks mix one tablespoon in a three litres of water and spray plants with solution.

8. Plentiful peppers and chillies

Like tomatoes, peppers are traditionally magnesium deficient too, so follow the Epsom salt tomato recommendations for greater yields and stronger peppers.

Check out the latest catalogue from Plants Plus here for some great prices on some of these plants as well as more tips and inspiration for your garden.

Related links:  

Top tips for growing tomatoes

Recycle household items into gardening tools

How to grow your own chillies

tips, gardening, hint, epsom salt