Melody Teh
Home & Garden

7 foods that you should use as cleaning “products”

Instead of spending money on a myriad of cleaning products, why not look into your pantry cupboard for alternatives? That’s right, a lot of the food you already have at home can double as an effective cleaner, buffer, polisher and/or stain remover. Interested? Read on to find out more.

1. Polish silver with banana peels

Instead of tossing the peel in the scrap bucket, rub the inside of it on any tarnished silverware. It will help get them looking their best again.

2. Enjoy a fog free mirror with cucumber peels

While you’re saving your banana peels, keep hold of your cucumber peel too. Just rub the cucumber peel on your mirror before you turn on the shower.

3. Clean your BBQ with raw onion

Save half of an onion at your next BBQ for this one. After the grill has been turned off but is still warm, rub the cut side of half an onion across the grill plate to remove grease and grime.

4. Remove scratches on wood with walnuts

They’re not just good snack to help keep your cholesterol in check, walnuts can also help get rid of scratches on your furniture. Rub a walnut back and forth over the scratch, and then leave it for five minutes to work its magic. Rub over the scratch with your finger to allow some oils to penetrate, then buff with a soft cloth.

5. Clean red wine spills with salt

If red wine has been spilled on your carpet or furniture, this is what you do. Grab a clean cloth and blot the excess first (don’t rub it). Then pour salt liberally over the stain. Allow the salt time to soak up the wine, and then vacuum it up.

6. Pick up broken glass with sliced bread

Simply dampen a slice of bread and place it over the area where the tiny shards of glass are waiting. The bread will pick up the small fragments of glass, and then you can easily dispose of it all.

7. Clean your coffee grinder with rice

Pop some plain uncooked rice into your grinder. Grind it up finely and when you remove the powder it will take any coffee residue with it. Then just give the grinder a once over with a damp cloth.

Related links:

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At Home, Food, Cleaning, Lee Price