Alex O'Brien
Home & Garden

Top gardening tips from the Over60 community

Any green thumb will tell you that gardening is a rewarding and pleasurable hobby… sometimes. Often it’s deeply frustrating and unpredictable. It’s why any advice is welcomed and who better to ask for tips then our Over60 gardeners with their years of experience. They were more than happy to share their secrets to making the gardener’s life easier, plants thrive and gardens blooming.

1. “Don't have a self-watering pot but don't want your plants to dry out too quickly? Fold a Chux-type cloth and put it in the bottom of the pot (covering the holes) before you put your potting mix in. I did this with some cheap hanging pots when we were selling our house. Even during the hottest of days my fuchsias continued to do well and gave our back deck a bright and cheerful look.” – Jo Fairclough

2. “When buying seedlings from nurseries make sure that it is the right season for the vegetables and flowers, as nurseries have a bad habit of selling plants that will not flourish for you because it is the wrong season.” – Desley Dobson McDonald

3. “If you do happen to mistakenly buy the wrong seedlings for the season, keep the plant in some sort of ‘greenhouse’ condition until proper planting time.” – Leonie Morris

4. “One of my most important jobs is to make sure weeds don't go to seed. Even if I have no time to get the weed out I at least pull off the seed heads.” – Ruth Jones

5. “Establish an organic garden. Don’t use sprays, instead use equal amounts of vinegar and water before adding a squirt of dishwashing liquid to kill weeds in succulent garden beds, paved areas and weeds growing on driveways.” – Jacqualine Watchman

6. “You still can't beat the old trick of asking for cuttings or seeds from your neighbours' gardens. If plants are already grown successfully in your area, there's a good chance they'll do well for you too. Being able to relate a person or a story to each plant is an added bonus.” – Lyle Gronow

7. “Want to get rid of possums? Rub Vicks Vapo Rub everywhere. For example, if it is eating your paw paws rub Vicks on the trunk.” – Rowena Cuthbert

8. “Plant coriander seeds where they are to grow. They will bolt if transplanted.” – Heather Clark

9. “Place used tea bags round all your pot plants as they help retain moisture!” – Margaret Blair

10.  “Use old panty hose to tie up your plants. They don't cut into the plants.” – Anne Worsley

11. “I have luck with shallots, I buy them with the roots on and plant them in a pot, then just cut off green bits and they continue to grow.” – Cathy Garvie

12. “Cover with shade cloth if over 35 degrees and deadhead as it promotes more flowers, and mulching keeps moisture in.” – Lynne Clarke Carter

13. “Try using Epsom salts as a fertilizer. It’s a source of magnesium, an essential mineral.” – Julie Boyle.

14. “You can just sprinkle the salt around your plants or mix with water to water plants or spray on to plants.” – Ruth Weston.

15. “It's generally a good idea to read the instructions – either with the plant/seeds when you buy them or from a good gardening book. But good love always works for me too.” – Leonie Morris

16. “Grow plants that encourages bees for your veggie plot. The bees also need water when days are hot. Little saucer of water will do.” – Christina Smith

17. “Do a little each day to keep on top of it.” – Patricia Halifax

18. “Make your own compost. You can’t beat it.” – Sheila Brazier

garden, gardening tips