Alex O'Brien
Home & Garden

Houseplants that can survive dark corners

If your home isn’t full of natural light, or your sunny spots are all taken, these plants will still thrive.


The gorgeous patterns on the leaves add a pop of colour to any room. Keep away from the sun as it can cause the patterns to fade.


A perfect plant to sit next to a curtain, as it needs diffused light to thrive. The lime green leaves are lovely and bright and can add a splash of colour to a bedroom.

Dragon tree

These spiky green leaves with a red outline make an interesting indoor plant. But they don’t like direct sunlight so ensure they get to enjoy the shade.

Spider plants

These plants do really well in an indirectly lit area. They are easy to grow and easy to share ‘baby’ spider plants with friends.

Heart-leaf philodendron

The heart shaped leaves of the "sweetheart plant" are quite happy in a dimly lit bedroom or loungeroom.


Looking for a plant for your bathroom? This tropical plant is happy to survive on florescent light alone and loves the humidity of the bathroom.

Peace lily

This low maintenance plant doesn’t even mind if you wait a while between watering, as it needs to dry out between drinks.

Chinese evergreen

A hardy plant that is ideal for the novice gardener, this is happy in low light and only requires fertilizer a couple of time per year.

Snake plant

This one is easy to maintain, and doesn’t need too much water. Although it will grow better with run, it can also happily live in darkness too.

Cast-iron plant

This one is a slow grower, but is very hardy to heat and cold. It is happy in low light too.

Have we missed any plants that you know would love to live in a dimly lit corner? Feel free to share your ideas in the comments.

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home, decor, plants, Indoors, dark