Home & Garden

How healthy are your dishwasher habits?

Are you one of those people guilty of cramming as much as possible into the dishwasher or perhaps you don’t rinse the scraps off your plates before loading them in? Either way, both of these habits can mean that a wash cycle is a waste of time, water and power.

To ensure that you don’t have two-day-old muesli stuck on your bowls post-wash, we’ve compiled four top tips for maximising your dishwasher’s cleaning powers.

Rinse off
Rinsing off any crumbs, scraps, sauces and so on not only makes it much easier for your dishwasher to run properly, but it also promotes a healthy environment. For example, if you don’t put your dishwasher on everyday and you don’t rinse then you are leaving food to fester for days.

Stack right
But neatly stacking or arranging the things that go into your dishwasher you will reep a few benefits. The most simple of these is that you will be able to fit more in (without overcrowding) if you stack things cautiously. For instance if bowl and plates are all facing the same way, they stack more efficiently. Secondly if you arrange things well in your dishwashing it will allow the waters and cleaner to get to every surface of every item in your dishwasher.

Usually, large bowls and plates go on the bottom facing inwards, with saucepans and large pans stacked around the edges of them, glasses and small bowls go up top, as do long utensils. Knives face downward in the cutlery holder.

Remember though, not everything should go in the dishwasher. For instance, some things like good knives and metal utensils such as pewter are not dishwasher safe or can become damaged by being put through a wash and are better suited to being hand washed.

Don’t overcrowd
We’ve all been there before – after cooking up a big meal for the family all of the plates, pots and pans simply won’t fit in the dishwasher well. So you end up packing it all in. Don’t do it. It’s simply not worth it and it will NOT wash properly. It’s better to either hand wash some or put two loads on.

Dishwasher TLC
Every now and then you should clean out your dishwasher – especially the seals. You may find bits if grime you can wipe away or every strewn cutlery or that Tupperware lid you’ve been searching high low for. A little bit of TLC every once in a while will ensure your dishwasher cleans more effectively and it may even make it last for longer.

Some people suggest using a cup of vinegar in an empty dishwasher and to run a cycle to get rid of lime and soap build up. In any case before cleaning, consult your instruction manual to see it comes with any cleaning tips. If you’ve misplaced your manual – check to see if it’s available online.

Image credits: Getty Images

home, cleaning, dishes, dishwasher