Melody Teh
Home & Garden

How “neat freaks” organise their closets

From linen closets to kitchen cupboards to clothes wardrobes, these brilliantly organised closets will inspire you to organise, de-clutter and tidy your own closets (if you need to, that is).

1. Add racks and drawers beneath your hanging shirts.

2. Turn an extra closet into a craft corner.

3. Label containers to find items easier in the kitchen cupboard.

4. A variety of storage options means there’s a place for everything.

5. For those with shoe fetishes, labelling your shoe boxes makes them easier to find.

6. A storage box for all your items makes for a tidy linen closet.

7. Hooks are a great way to get extra storage space.

8. Use the space above and below closet rod to maximise your storage.

9. Adjustable shelves makes it easier to store a variety of things.

10. Non-permanent pull-out drawers are a great way to organise pots and pans in cupboards.

Related links:

13 hidden uses for household items

6 simple ways to de-clutter your kitchen

Homemade laundry powder and fabric softener recipes

Home, Closets, Organisation, Clutter, Declutter