Home & Garden

Goodbye kinked hoses

We’ve all been there: you’re ready to tackle the big task of watering the whole garden only to find out when you turn the tap on, there are a few kinks in the hose. No matter how expensive your hose is or whether it bears the optimistic “kink-free” label, if we don’t treat our hoses correctly, they will kink. Sometimes a good old yank can set the hose free but more often than not, we have to retrace our steps, find the kink, straighten it out and start again.

Why hoses kink

Hoses kink because they’ve been stored rolled or looped up in a tight coil. Old, rigid hoses are also more likely to kink. A kinked hose can lead to cracks and leaks, as well as impede the flow of water from the tap which has led many a hose to burst apart from the tap. More expensive hoses are generally thicker so less likely to bend but you can ensure a permanent kink-free hose if we store it properly. Here’s what to do:

Related links:

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gardening, hose